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Safeguarding Information


Minerva Primary Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. It is our expectation that all staff, volunteers and members of the school community share this commitment.

Our Safeguarding Team

Emily Hudson – Designated Safeguarding Lead

Jennifer Harvey, Jenny Shaw and Cath Archer – Deputy Safeguarding Leads

Bridgette Suitters – Academy Safeguarding Councillor

Emily Hudson – E-safety Lead

Useful Links

For child safeguarding information and help:



For mental health information and help:



For domestic abuse information and help:


If you need to talk to someone in Bristol about your worries for a child, please phone First Response on 0117 903 6444.


The Internet has become an everyday part of our lives. We use it daily to improve teaching and learning, to get information from around the world, talk to friends and help with our work.

However, it is important that we all learn how to be responsible online both at home and at school.  At Minerva Primary Academy we take this matter very seriously. We follow government advice on best practice. Please help us to support your children by looking at the links below which provide important information on how to keep safe online:

Supporting Young  People Online (Multiple Languages)

Prevent Duty

Prevent is part of the United Kingdom’s counter terrorism strategy. It aims to prevent people from becoming involved in terrorism or supporting terrorism.

Minerva Primary Academy is committed to supporting the Prevent Strategy in order to protect everyone from radicalisation.

At Minerva Primary Academy we promote British Values (The Rule of Law, Democracy, Individual Liberty and Mutual Respect and Tolerance of the Beliefs of Others) and enable our pupils to challenge any extremist views.

If you have a concern about someone who is at risk of radicalisation, please contact the safeguarding team.

Information on Prevent:

Educate Against Hate

Prevent strategy 2011

What should I do if I think my child is being radicalised?

Online radicalisation and extremism


As part of our duty to protect girls from FGM, we always speak to all parents before they take trips abroad. If you are worried about any aspect of FGM, please contact the safeguarding team.

FGM Helpline:  0800 028 3550

NSPCC – FGM Information and Help


Should you have any concerns relating to the safety and welfare of a child at the school you should immediately contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Sarah Campagnaro or in her absence Mrs. Jennifer Harvey or Mrs Jenny Shaw, the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead.

For more information of what to do should you be concerned about a child

Safeguarding Contact Information

Concerns about Staff

Should you have any concerns in terms of safeguarding relating to the behaviour of a member of staff, you should immediately contact the designated person as above. If the allegation concerns these individuals, you should contact: Mrs Jenny Harvey, Principal.

Should you feel that your concerns have not been dealt with appropriately by the school or Chair of Governors you should contact the Local Authority Designated officer (LADO), Nicola Laird 0117 903 7795


The governors and school staff team are committed to keeping our children safe and we regularly review our school policies and procedures to ensure that everything is being done to fulfil our duty of care. The designated Safeguarding Academy Councillor (Governor equivalent) at Minerva Primary Academy is Mrs Bridget Suitters. All staff are familiar with the government’s guidance for schools.

Keeping Children Safe in Education

Safeguarding Policy

Child Friendly Policy – Anti-bullying


Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play in safeguarding children. School staff receive regular training to help them to identify concerns at an early stage.

Training for staff includes:

  • Safeguarding awareness for every member of staff and academy councillors to include basic awareness, and more detailed issues as described in KCSiE 2018 (CSE, FGM/HBV, County Lines & CCE, peer on peer abuse, sexual violence & harassment, children with family members in prison, preventing radicalisation, bullying, E-safety, homelessness).
  • Prevent training for every member of staff and academy councillors.
  • Channel/Prevent online course for all members of staff and academy councillors.
  • CPOMS training for all staff.
  • Safer Recruitment training for SLT
  • E-Safety awareness.
  • Regular refresher training and updates from safeguarding team.

Safeguarding for Students

All children at Minerva take part in weekly PSHE lessons. The school uses Jigsaw scheme of work which covers 6 areas over the academic year: Being Me in My World, Celebrating Difference, Dreams & Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships, and Changing Me.

In addition, children take part in:

  • Safeguarding assemblies.
  • E-Safety assemblies and E-Safety week twice a year.
  • Young Carers assembly.
  • Anti-Bullying assembly and anti-bullying week.
  • Mental Health & Well-being assembly and ‘Looking after yourself’ week.


Internet Safety (Arabic)

Useful contact numbers for parents

Safeguarding Support and Advice for Students

Safeguarding Support and Advice for Students ARABIC

Keeping your child safe online parents helpsheet

Silent solution DV help guide