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Before and After School Club

Breakfast Club

Breakfast club runs from 7:30am until the start of the school day.  The club is located in the main hall so that can children access food from the school kitchen and can use the playground space. Children can enter via the main office entrance by calling 07557851614.

Children can bring money to buy their breakfast items (e.g. toast, cereal, milk, fruit juice, fruit). A menu of items and prices can be found at the office.

During the breakfast session the children can self-select from a range of activities; drawing, colouring, jigsaw puzzles, reading, board games and playing playground games.

A registration form must be completed before children attend their first session.

After school club

After school runs from 3:15 to 5:45pm. It is split into two session options

3:15 – 4:30pm – £5.00

3:15 – 5:45pm – £8.00

The menu for healthy snack is on a three-week rotating basis and can be collected from the main office.

During the after-school session the children can self-select from a range of activities in the Enrichment room, or they can take part in an adult led activity based on the children’s interests.  The first 30 minutes is always spent outside engaging in play with peers from across the school in our state-of-the-art playground.  During snack time children help to prepare the food, learning key life skills. Children are collected from the main office entrance by calling 07557851614.

A registration form must be completed before children attend their first session.

Wrap Around Care Information 2024-25

Sports clubs

We offer a free sports club each evening from Monday to Friday.  These clubs run from 3:30 – 4:30 and exit via the playground gate.  The clubs are run by a qualified sports coach and these clubs change three times over the year.  If your child would like to take part in a club, you will need to complete the online form or speak to a member of the admin team.

We accept childcare vouchers