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Minerva Global Citizens

Our daily assemblies schedule ensures that social, moral, spiritual and cultural learning is promoted alongside British Values and an understanding of Equality. We are an Academy that values uniqueness and respect and we celebrate our differences.

The Government guidance requires key ‘British Values’ are taught in all schools and academies. They define these in the 2011 Prevent Strategy as:

  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect
  • Tolerance of those of different faiths and belief

As part of Cabot Learning Federation, Minerva Primary Academy has clear policies on Equality,  Diversity and Inclusion and is committed to promoting community cohesion and fostering good relations between all of the staff, learners and their families who form part of our community – One Learning Community.

We understand the vital role that academies can play in ensuring that groups or individuals are not subjected to discrimination, bullying, harassment or intimidation and will actively promote our Federation wide policies and procedures to address these issues.

Our safeguarding policies and practices seek to prevent the radicalisation of our learners by those wishing to unduly, or illegally, influence them. We will actively implement our duties under the Equality Act 2010 to prevent discrimination against any individual or group, on grounds of religion or belief, race or ethnicity, gender, sexuality, disability and the other protected characteristics named in the Act.

We are dedicated to preparing learners for their adult life through the formal curriculum, and also through the hidden curriculum, ensuring that it models, promotes and reinforces British Values to all its learners. We use strategies within the National Curriculum and beyond, to secure these outcomes.

The examples that follow so some of the many ways we seek to embed British Values.


We have various pupil councils and young leaders to support and shape all aspects of Minerva Primary Academy. This include our Eco and school council and lunchtime play leaders. Each year, elections are held for these key roles.

The Rule of Law

Our whole school and class charters are all drawn up in collaboration with the learners. We have effect links with our neighbour Police Officers, and they have spent time in school helping learners to make connections between their Rights and Responsibilities in school and within the wider community.

Individual Liberty

At Minerva Primary Academy learners are encouraged to have their own opinions and recognise the strength of their voices – individually and collectively. A strong focus on individualism is at the heart of our values.

Mutual Respect

As part of our work, and through our taught SMSC, PSHE and Collective Worship, learners are taught the skills and knowledge to gain and develop a sense of mutual respect. We have policies in place that are shared and upheld through learning about the protected characteristics of the Equality Act and a commitment to ensuring that ‘Everyone is Welcome Here’ at Minerva Primary Academy. Learners learn that there are many different types of families and all families should be respected.

Learners are taught that although their views may differ from one another, we must always show respect for others and expect other people to show us respect.

Tolerance of those of different faith and belief

Our learners, families and the wider community are supported to develop tolerance and a sense of respect and understanding of those of different faiths and beliefs. This takes place through our taught curriculum, including Religious Education and whole school assemblies.

We take time recognise and understand celebrations and key events from a range of cultures and communities, and we include opportunities for visits and visitors from the wider community to support learners to develop their knowledge of community – locality, nationally and internationally.